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The ruling Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) has adopted a strategy to address dissatisfaction with various tactics. The CPN-Maoist has recently attacked civil engineer Gyanendra Shahi, who has taken a policy of not leaving anyone who opposes the government. The government tried to suppress the voice of the opponent by not letting him try to program in Bharatpur of Chitwan.

Shahi, an anti-corruption engineer who was trying to carry out an anti-corruption program, was attacked by CPN-M students on Saturday afternoon. Shahi’s body has been injured by the attack. Shahi, who had attended the ‘Nepalese for Nepal’ program organized at Chowkisothi in Bharatpur, had spread the program saying that the CPN-affiliated students should not allow the Rajaist to do the program. There had been tensions for some time.

Nepali Congress Chitwan leader Dinesh Koirala said that though he disagreed with Gyanendra Shahi ideologically, it was condemnable to make a deadly aggression to suppress his voice. Are.

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