A pair of Army laurels

Kathmandu Former British Army man Parshu Rai and journalist Shriman Nimileku may not be more exotic than an exemplary love couple. Many want their love to be the same age. But Creation chose a couple who are almost two decades older than him. But that has not affected their love, love affair. They met at home in Damascus.

Pranay, the grandson of the creator of the creation, made the acquaintance between the two. As the relationship between them slowly progressed, the animals became attracted to creation. This is the second marriage of creation. Creation’s first marriage was dissolved when he met Parish. She was married at a very young age and even had a daughter. After the birth of her daughter, she said that she has taken up journalism.

After seeing the nature of the creation, the beleaguered Pashtun Dharanwat returned to Kathmandu and said that love had come to his mind. But he didn’t say anything about it. After returning to Kathmandu, Parshu spoke very openly while talking on the phone. The bears speak very little. During the interview, he has rarely spoken. When Parshu saw the creation, he was astonished at his dexterity and ingenuity.

He said that he was interested in seeing the talent that I had not seen. When Parshu made the proposal, she did not say immediately that her heart should not hurt immediately. At that time, she did not think about marrying a man. But later, as she talked to the beast, Creation also attracted her.

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