Udar Poudyal, a 6-year-old from Bharatpur-4, Kailashtol, Chitwan

Wednesday, October 7 When Udar Poudyal, a 6-year-old from Bharatpur-4, Kailashtol, Chitwan, hailed from the Narayani bridge. She was watching the scene with a generous girlfriend. Even those who watched the dacoits shouting loudly, “Oh my generous … what have you done this … my generous … what have you done …” were not able to hold back tears. His mother is still unconscious from time to time. The situation of liberal girlfriend is no different.

According to Rekha Pandey, a liberal neighbor and chairman of the New Kiran Secondary School Management Committee, Udhar was working at a prestigious atjujat mobile center in Narayanghat. He had returned to Kathmandu for three days before dying. On his return from Kathmandu, he went to stay at a friend’s house in Daldele. On the morning of Tana’s day, he had called his lover and had come to the planet for a visit. In every social area of ​​Bharatpur, Krishi Yashil Pandey says, ‘I met the young lady.

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