The campaign organized a program in Bharatpur, Chitwan.

Nepali campaign for Nepal had organized a program in Bharatpur, Chitwan. Gyanendra Shahi was returning to the hotel after some CPN-supported youths broke the stage that they would not allow the churches to perform in Chitwan. At 4 pm, Gyanendra Shahi’s group had a ticket to return to Kathmandu by plane. As they were about to reach the hotel, a group of 3 to 6 people pulled out the driver by pressing the driver’s neck of the microbus they were riding. Some of the people inside the vehicle started to flee after the driver came out, while Gyanendra Shahi, the other six women and the co-workers of the vehicle, were kept inside the vehicle.

The group then broke the mic’s glass with a spear, rod and started blindly beating the people inside. The spear began to cry, saying that it was a spear and that we would kill it today. Gyanendra Shahi’s spear was planted in his stomach and he fell to the ground with blood. After the imperial fight, the group fled, saying it was me. A woman from the Gyanendra Shahi group, who was being treated at a trauma center, was beaten for 5 minutes by an armed group of six to five people, said a woman.

Shahi was thrown out of the car with the help of his supporters and police. He had to be rushed to the hospital immediately. After driving Shahi in the taxi, the driver fled, saying that the driver could not jump. We were confused as to what to do. About that time a traffic police arrived and he drove the car and took us to Chitwan Medical College.

We have come to the capital from the last flight after the medical college said that treatment here would not be possible due to a serious head injury.
The injured, who were brought to the capital from the last flight of Ati Airlines, are being treated at the Trauma Center in Kathmandu. Sutra TV has made a video public of their situation. Watch that video

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