The film based on the story of a young man working in the Nepal Army, Kale Dai, is coming out on the occasion on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami. The movie directed by Shiva Sharma was produced under the banner of Naudhare Film Production and Ramjali Production. The story of the movie is written by Indra Ramjali and Kishan Aryal while Sasher Gurung and Ramjali are invested. The film is also trying to raise the love of intergenerational love. Shishir Bhandari also plays a prominent role in the film. Shishir plays a positive character in the movie.
The movie stars Indra Ramjali, Anu Parajuli, Surendra KC, Sharda Giri, Uttam KC, Vishnu Sapkota, Gita Adhikari, Gobind Shrestha. The film features Pawan Gautam’s cinematography, Kumar Maharjan’s antagonism, Ramji Lamichhane’s choreography and Tara Thapa’s ‘Kimbe’. The film will be distributed by RR Films. Meanwhile, Shishir Bhandari has come to the famous comic Shishiral Risani for the promotion of Lachitri. He was beaten there by his wife Khinte Kaka of Dauri. Look here