Kathmandu Another couple like Rupa and Krishna have now gone viral on social media. Bikram Sunar, who had been working in Pokhara for some years, returned from work on a twilight evening when his motorcycle crashed. He was killed in the accident at midnight. She was not heard for 6 months while being treated at Kathmandu Neuro Hospital. But slowly the voice began to ring. But it still doesn’t sound like it was before.
He wanted to be a support during his parents’ old age, but now he has to feed others. He was cared for by his mother. During that time, she told me that I did not want to live with her mother many times. Then the mother would cry. It was during that time that he had a conversation with a young woman on facebook. The conversation started with Manu Lama on his facebook. Talking on facebook, they started talking on the telephone.
Rupa who suffered such a condition after marriage. Within two months of her marriage, her husband lost her arms and legs by accident. But Vikram is already weak before marriage. Manu did not believe that Vikram was himself infirm and that he should feed others. But Vikram participated in the program rainbow and spoke to Manu.
Then she got closer to Vikram. When Manu proposed the marriage, Vikram first asked to come and see himself and then decide on marriage only. When Manu came to meet Vikram, he did not leave Vikram. She married Vikram by her will. Manu’s relatives are not happy with this marriage. Manu tells him to come back. But he cannot leave Vikram.