These cows, who are seen on the wave, are from the Laliguras Dairy Farm and Research Center in Kumaroj, a Khairohi municipality in Goth Chitwan. The cows are not tied here. The cows roam freely in their own pastures. Workers are doing their duty.
Laliguras Dairy Farm and Research Center Laliguras is a multi-purpose cooperative society. According to the new technology, the cattle herd was made operational, said Surendra Bhandari. It is four o’clock in the afternoon. Now milking cows come to the milking machine with their latest technology.
Here milking cows from the machine. How much milk did the machine give itself? How much is milk fat? What is the weight of that cow? All are discovered. The Laligurans Dairy Farm and Research Center has been in operation for five years. This is a sample cow farm in Nepal. There is no such large and wealthy cow farm in Nepal. The farm has a separate herd for milking cows, while separate cows are made for livestock, lana calves.
The cooperative has invested openly to create such a desirable cow farm. As a multi-purpose cooperative, you have to invest in agriculture, education, health, energy and so on. Accordingly, Bhandari, executive chief of the cooperative, said that the cooperative has invested in the cows farm.
A cattle farm has been purchased and operated in Chitwan for the purpose. In addition to the physical infrastructure, the investment of Rs. 10 million has already been made. There is a cow farm in the area under 1 bigha area and grass is cultivated in the rest along with the rented 2 bigha. The goal is to further transplant the grass to a large area to the cow herds.
Advanced varieties of grass are planted in the garden. Which can be harvested for years once planted. The cows are now fed with their own garden grass. Even straw. Milk cows need to pay attention to their feeding in order to extract milk according to their ability. So maybe it has its own factory for grain production.
There are now more than five hundred and fifty cows at the Laligurans Dairy Farm and Research Center. There are over 100 milking cows. Milk is produced from 100 to 1000 liters of milk daily. The milk is brought directly to a dairy in Bhaktapur. After some time, the township will run its own dairy. Where the dairy screen will be produced.
The product being manufactured from the farm has not been satisfied with the Laligurras multi-purpose cooperative. Although the management of the herd seen as a physical precondition is good, the health of the overall cow has not been taken care of properly. If the number of cattle is higher than the cows in the herd, the farmer’s investment dips.
“Therefore, it is imperative to incorporate a technique whereby the artificial insemination is more likely to produce a baby than the calf,” says Bhandari, chief executive. In Nepal, it is not as easy to raise a cow as a buffalo. What to do with a cow that has stopped producing? Farmers are confused
In Nepal, only five million liters of milk are consumed daily except dairy. Nepal’s production is only three and a half million liters. The rest of the milk is imported from India. According to the data, in the year Nepal, 3 trillion liters of milk is needed with powdered milk. To address that need, Bhandari, executive chief of the Laliguras Dairy Farm and Research Center, was established as a mega project.
Establishment of the form started five years ago had to be studied for three years. At this juncture, the Laligharas reached the Allotment Cooperative Farmer’s Alliance. In Nepal, the businessman studied in-depth the rearing of cattle, its challenges and opportunities. The sample cow farm in Nepal has not yet been fully completed. Within the next five years, Laliguras Dairy Farm and Research Center will be completed.
The farm now has cows from Jersey, Jersey Cross, Holstein Cross and Seawall Cross. The cows of these breeds are especially found in the European nation. Once the Laliguras dairy farm is fully operational, the milking cows of these breeds will reach the farmers’ herds.
Laligurans also has its own Reachers Center. Where there is a consultation to the farmers who are professionally raising cows. According to Executive Chief Bhandari, there will be provision to provide loans at concessional rates to the farmers and the profession of professionally cows.
But, what is the market for milk produced from farmers’ pastures? Executive Chief Bhandari says. He said that farmers who are engaged in commercial cattle farming will get good market in the coming days. But the state must bring in a farmer friendly policy. The state should encourage farmers