It may surprise everyone to hear that Krishna Karki, who lives in Madhumla district of Morang district, has been tied to an iron sangalo for the past six years. Only 2-year-old father is taking care of 2-year-old Krishna. Krishna Karki, who is now 3 years old, is the eldest son of the family while the other 5 are Krishna’s brothers.
According to his elderly father, Krishna, who was born at the age of 7, met with a sickness that had suddenly faded. In the weakened households, there was no better treatment in the family. Dhami bushes and blows, but the disease is not cured. Not only that, the Goan serpent was also trapped by Krishna, his father said. When we arrived at the place where Sanglou was tied up in a small cottage, Father heard his cry and wept. Share your video more by watching the video below.