नेपाली पानी जहाज चलाउनेसम्बन्धी पत्रमा भारतसँग सहमति,अब खुल्याे जलमार्ग

At a meeting of the Nepal-India Commerce (Trade) Treaty Review Committee, India has agreed to the LoE on the highway. The meeting also discussed transit trade.

According to sources, the Indian side also agreed to the Letter of Exchange (LoE) regarding the operation of Nepali water vessels on the Ganges waterway.

Unless the waterway system is included in the Transit Treaty between Nepal and India, the waterway that Nepal has already operated by India will not be used for third country trade.

Nepal had already submitted the draft of the LoE to India. Nepal has opened the way for the use of waterways after India agreed to the LoE. This news is in Kantipur daily.

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